International Visegrad Fund

Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education


The project financed in total by Visegrad Fund 

Project’s duration: 1st of February 2022 till 30th of September 2022

Project’s number: 22130164


About Visegrad Fund 


The Visegrad Fund is an international donor organization, established in 2000 by the governments of the Visegrad Group countries – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovak Republic. The main goal is promoting regional cooperation in the Visegrad region (V4) as well as between the V4 region and other countries, especially in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership regions. The Fund does so by financing grants and awarding scholarships and artist residencies through its annual budget of €8 million annually provided by V4 governments.

 The Visegrad Joint Statement idea of cooperation was established on May 14, 1999 in Bratislava. The Fund’s mission is undertaken by:

– the development of closer cooperation between the Contracting Parties;
– the strengthening of ties between the States of the Contracting Parties;
– common presentation of the States of the Contracting Parties in third countries.


The objectives of the Fund shall be pursued through financial support of activities, in particular in the following areas:

– promotion and development of cultural cooperation;
– promotion and development of scientific exchanges, research and cooperation in the field of education between the Contracting Parties;
– promotion and development of exchanges between young people;
– promotion and development of cross-border cooperation;
– promotion and development of tourism of the Contracting Parties.


The Visegrad Fund supports the idea of cooperation three times per year – within open calls on 1st of February, 1st of June and 1st of October.

 More information is available on VF website:


 About the project – Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education


Building ecological awareness among society became one of the most important goal for the whole mankind nowadays. Education based on green energy, protecting natural environment and reducing pollution should be a pillar of education from primary school. Visible ecological recommendations pointed out in Lisboa Strategy, continued in Strategy Europe 2020 will be developed more intensive in next decades. The question is: are we aware enough to stop running destroying life style? What about work balance and green priorities? The second important problem, which projects touches is: young children and teenagers life style. The reports shows that obesity started to be the XX century disease – visible not only in United States of America but also in Europe. 


Project proposal joins those two important global problems and presents new approach on green education connected with promoting healthy style of living. The main project’s goal is creating the map of beautiful, natural places worth to visit to convince especially young people to start spending their free time in mountains, getting better knowledge about surrounding nature and running healthy style of life. Project’s idea is also connected with educational workshops at primary schools in both countries – Slovak Republic and Poland as well as competition.

 Project combines three important, interesting for society – especially young part – aspects: points out beautiful worth to see natural places, which are described and created in framework of game, mobilize them to be more active and reach all points from map and also educate. 

 For more project’s information please check our website: and our social media accounts FB – Fundacja Edukacji Pozaformalnej w Bielsku-Białej and Instagram – fep_w_bb.


 Our project’s partner

 The project’s grantee is Non-formal Education Foundation in Bielsko-Biała, established in September 2021. The Foundation concerts its activities on broadly understood education dedicated to various groups of the society. One of the priority is education – especially young children in the area of environmental protection and building more aware society.

 Our partner: Horská služba – Slovak Mountain Rescue Team

 Slovak Rescue Mountain Team is trustful institution focused on social affairs, saving peoples’ life and education. Cooperation between institutions started three years ago during common workshops and conference in various projects. Since last year we were thinking and designing Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education in our minds. Slovak Mountain Rescue Team is also very experience in education activities at schools, due to the fact that they are organizing camps for children each year.



Mapa edukacyjna

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z opracowaną – w ramach projektu Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education, finansowanego przez Międzynarodowy Fundusz Wyszehradzki – mapą dwudziestu pięciu miejsc wartych odwiedzenia. Stopień trudności został zróżnicowany, każdy z użytkowników znajdzie cos dla siebie – począwszy od szczytów, hal, dolin, przełęczy po lasy, parki i jeziora!

 Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z mapą i zabawy!


We invite you to check our map of twenty-five places worth to visit, developed as part of the Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education project, financed within the International Visegrad Fund. The level of difficulty has been varied, each user will find something for themselves – from peaks, halls, valleys, mountain to forests, parks and lakes! 

 We invite you to the game!


Zapraszamy do pobrania mapy dwudziestu pięciu miejsc wartych odwiedzenia, na której każdy będzie mógł zaznaczyć miejsce, które odwiedził w ramach naszej gry edukacyjnej. Zaznaczone miejsca znajdują się w odległości czterdziestu kilometrów od granicy polsko-słowackiej. Mapy są wynikiem projektu Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education, finansowanego przez Międzynarodowy Fundusz Wyszehradzki. 


  1. Zapoznaj się z mapą edukacyjną, na której zaznaczonych zostało 25 miejsc wartych odwiedzenia ze względu na swą różnorodność krajobrazową i piękno. Miejsca oznaczone są cyframi i liczbami od 1 do 25. Każdej liczbie przyporządkowane zostało – w legendzie – dane miejsce. 
  2. Następnie pobierz mapę z pustymi polami, gdzie w kółkach (znacznikach) możesz wkleić zdjęcie miejsca jeśli go odwiedziłeś, a w legendzie wskazać datę i swój komentarz. 
  3. Materiałem pomocniczym jest przewodnik po wszystkich wskazanych punktach, w którym odnajdziesz praktyczne wskazówki i informacje dlaczego te miejsca są warte odwiedzenia. 
  4. Identyczne mapy zostały stworzone dla obszaru transgranicznego, po stronie słowackiej w obrębie czterdziestu kilometrów od granicy polsko-słowackiej. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się ze słowacką częścią przewodnika i mapami. Może uda Ci się odwiedzić nie tylko miejsca znajdujące się po stronie polskiej, ale również słowackiej!  

Zapraszamy do zabawy!   

We invite you to download the map of twenty-five places worth to visit, where everyone will be able to mark the place visited as part of our educational game. The marked places are located forty kilometers from the Polish-Slovak border. The maps are the result of the Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education project, financed by the International Visegrad Fund.  


  1. At the beginning, please get better knowledge about educational map, which includes 25 places worth visiting due to their landscape diversity and beauty. Places are marked with numbers from 1 to 25. Each number has been assigned a given place in the legend.  
  2. Then download the map with empty fields, where in the gaps you can put the photo of the place, which was visited by you. In the legend you can indicate the date and your comment.  
  3. The additional material is a guide with described all points indicated, where you can find practical tips and information why those places are worth to visit.  
  4. Identical maps were created for the cross-border area, on the Slovak side, within forty kilometers from the Polish-Slovak border. We encourage you to read the Slovak part of the guide and the maps. Maybe you will be able to visit not only places located in the Polish side, but also on the Slovak side. 

We invite you to have fun!


Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z opracowaną – w ramach projektu Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education, finansowanego przez Międzynarodowy Fundusz Wyszehradzki – mapą dwudziestu pięciu miejsc wartych odwiedzenia po stronie naszego, słowackiego partnera. Miejsca oddalone są zaledwie 40 kilometrów od granicy! 

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z mapą i aktywności! 

We invite you to check our map of twenty-five places worth to visit on the side of our Sloval partner, developed as part of the Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education project, financed within the International Visegrad Fund. The places are located within 40 kilometers from Polish-Slovak border!  

We invite you to the activity!


  1. Zapraszamy do pobrania mapy dwudziestu pięciu miejsc wartych odwiedzenia po stronie naszego słowackiego partnera. Zapoznaj się z mapą edukacyjną, na której zaznaczonych zostało 25 miejsc wartych odwiedzenia ze względu na swą różnorodność krajobrazową i piękno. Miejsca oznaczone są cyframi i liczbami od 1 do 25. Każdej liczbie przyporządkowane zostało, w legendzie, dane miejsce.
  2. Następnie pobierz mapę z pustymi polami, gdzie w kółkach (znacznikach) możesz wkleić zdjęcie miejsca jeśli go odwiedziłeś, a w legendzie wskazać datę i swój komentarz. 
  3. Materiałem pomocniczym jest przewodnik po wszystkich wskazanych punktach, w którym odnajdziesz praktyczne wskazówki i informacje dlaczego te miejsca są warte odwiedzenia. 
  4. Identyczne mapy zostały stworzone dla obszaru transgranicznego, po stronie polskiej w obrębie czterdziestu kilometrów od granicy polsko-słowackiej. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z przewodnikiem i mapami. Może uda Ci się odwiedzić nie tylko miejsca znajdujące się po stronie polskiej, ale również słowackiej! 

Zapraszamy do zabawy!

We invite you to download the map of twenty-five places worth to visit on the side of our Slovak partner, where everyone will be able to mark the place visited as part of our educational game. The marked places are located forty kilometers from the Polish-Slovak border. The maps are the result of the Edu game competition – new approach of environmental education project, financed by the International Visegrad Fund.  


  1. At the beginning, please get better knowledge about educational map, which includes 25 places worth visiting due to their landscape diversity and beauty. Places are marked with numbers from 1 to 25. Each number has been assigned a given place in the legend.  
  2. Then download the map with empty fields, where in the gaps you can put the photo of the place, which was visited by you. In the legend you can indicate the date and your comment.  
  3. The additional material is a guide with described all points indicated, where you can find practical tips and information why those places are worth to visit.  
  4. Identical maps were created for the cross-border area, on the Polish side, within forty kilometers from the Polish-Slovak border. We encourage you to read the guide and the maps. Maybe you will be able to visit not only places located in the Polish side, but also on the Slovak side. 

Have fun!

© Fundacja Edukacji Pozaformalnej w Bielsku-Białej 2022